[海外留學面試]美籍顧問親自示範 美國研究所KIRA Interview如何回答!影片+文稿
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[海外留學面試]美籍顧問親自示範 美國研究所KIRA Interview如何回答!影片+文稿

很多在申請美國研究所的人,都會碰到Kira Interview,相信這對大家是一個挑戰!所以今天請到顧問Cate來幫我們示範一個Kira Interview熱門的問題!

如果你還不知道什麼Kira Interview,趕快用這篇美國研究所超紅面試系統Kira Interview,必讀的完整介紹!來惡補一下吧

問題:Where do see yourself in 3 years? (妳希望3年後在做什麼工作?)



In three years, I see myself working as an educational consultant. I want to work at a startup. I want to outsource the content, the curriculum I designed to universities throughout Asia. I have two goals as I do this. I think with master's information, I can use that to design better curriculum. I think your school can teach me to develop better curriculum. And I want to use that to train students with better critical thinking skills so that they can be better communicators. So they can lead industries in the next generation. Now as I continue designing that curriculum, I want to then teach other teachers to use that and I see myself continuing to help young adults throughout Asia. As I teach the next generation, I think they'll see greater impact in the other industries that they're involved in. Whether it's business or healthcare design. I want to help the next.

了解Kira Interview的重要性,千萬不要讓這一步讓你上不了夢想學校!

如果你想要更了解Kira Interview,




謝謝你的閱讀。 Have a nice day!

Rachel Tu

Director of Thrive English


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