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作家相片: Cate ShubatCate Shubat



  1. 仔細聆聽問題  (Listen to their question)

  2. 直接地回答問題 (Answer the Question Directly)

  3. 突顯你的硬實力和軟實力 (Highlight your unique hard and soft skills )

  4. 透過具體例子來證明你的能力 (Share a specific example as evidence)

  5. 準備一個有深度的問題 (Have a thoughtful question prepared)

  1. 仔細聆聽問題 Listen to their question.

    Most students, whether native English speakers or English learners, are scared out of their wits when it comes to interviews. Don’t skip the first step–listen to the specific question they’re asking. 

Keep your answers under 2 minutes. If the interviewer asks what achievement you’re most proud of, don’t give them your whole life story, tell them all the things you like about their school, or focus on your smaller daily responsibilities at work. 




  2. 直接地回答問題Answer the question directly.

    You don’t want to beat around the bush by being too polite, general, or vague in your response. It’s not rude to be direct; Western culture prefers direct answers over polite, confusing nonsense. 





    如果對方問:「Tell me about yourself。」


    如果對方問:「Why do you want to go to our school??」


    “I want to go to your school for your comprehensive curriculum, esteemed faculty, and large alumni network.” 「我想來貴校是因為你們的課程全面、師資優秀,且擁有強大的校友網絡。」


    你應該做的是: 提到學校的某個具體特色,並解釋為什麼這對你的目標有幫助。

     I want to go to your school for its in-depth training on UI/UX design. So far here in Taiwan, I’ve covered the basics of design and have trained both in Adobe and programming, but I’m missing the user-centric mindset that school name here specializes in. From Course A, I hope to train to develop websites that best meet end user needs, and I think learning under Professor X would best prepare me to address practical challenges in the future.

    「我想來貴校,是因為這裡有深入的 UI/UX 設計培訓。在台灣,我學習了設計基礎,也接受了 Adobe 和程式設計的訓練,但我仍缺乏貴校特有的以用戶為核心的設計思維。我希望透過 XXX 課程,學習如何開發真正符合使用者需求的網站。此外,我相信在 X 教授 的指導下,我能更好地應對未來的實務挑戰。」

  3. 突顯你的硬實力和軟實力 Highlight your unique hard and soft skills.

    ou won’t stand out by just proving that you’re a hard worker by showing them your test scores or GPA. Instead of focusing on the results, emphasize skills like taking initiative, creativity, leadership, and endurance. This list isn’t exhaustive–think about the qualitative ways that you stand out from among your peers.


    如果你只是用成績單或 GPA 來證明自己努力工作,那是不夠的。與其強調最終結果,不如強調你的 主動性、創造力、領導力和耐力。這些技能能更好地展現你與同儕的不同之處。

    如果對方問:“what’s your greatest strength?” 「你的最大優勢是什麼?」


    I’m a team player, and have great communication skills.



    I’m an effective communicator, especially when it comes to navigating conflict in group projects. When working on my capstone project, my team members all had different opinions on how we should finish the project. Recognizing that we needed to face the problem head-on, I set up a meeting where each member could share the advantages and disadvantages of each option. In the process, some members recognized that their ideas weren’t fully thought through. For other members, as they shared details of their plans, we narrowed down our choices to 2 options, and voted on how we wanted to proceed. I’m proud that I helped our team navigate this conflict, and that we all learned how to communicate with people whose ideas differ from our own. In the end, we got a prize for our project, and the professor commended our teamwork. 



  4. 透過具體例子來證明你的能力Share a specific example as evidence.

    Answer the question straightforward–in the first sentence. In the next few sentences, provide a clear example to support your answer as evidence, or proof, of what you have done before.


    例如,當面試官問:“What are you proudest of?” 「你最自豪的成就是什麼?」


    I’m a hard worker, earned high grades, and finish the tasks my boss assigns.



    I take initiative to lead projects at school and at work, even when facing an area I’m unfamiliar with. After only 2 months at my job, I noticed a weakness in our company’s internal system. Though I didn’t have the technical skills to resolve it myself, I took classes online to learn more, asked some older colleagues for guidance, and got positive feedback from my boss before implementing these changes. 



  5. 準備一個有深度的問題Have a thoughtful question prepared.

    Have a thoughtful question prepared.


    這時候,你的提問 不應該是普通、泛泛的問題

    例如:❌「可以介紹一下你們的職涯發展中心嗎?」❌「這個學程的畢業生平均起薪是多少?」(這種資訊 Google 就查得到!)




    ✅ 如果對方是教授或教職員,請他推薦適合你的課程或教授。

    ✅ 如果對方熟悉校內資源,請他分享適合你的實驗室或專案。







    如果你希望有更多練習,或想進一步完善你的面試回答,點擊這裡了解我們的海外留學課程!Thrive English 提供免費諮詢,讓專業導師幫助你準備面試,無論是申請國際企業還是研究所。讓我們幫助你,讓你的面試表現更上一層樓!


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